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The 'Good, Clean, Fun' Blog

Acne scars can hang about for a very looooong time. But it’s not all doom and gloom. You can reduce the appearance of acne scars with some skincare know-how, a whole lotta’ lurve and some patience. Look for products high in Vitamins C and B3, bio-retinols, AHAs, BHAs and hyaluronic acid to help heal your acne scars.

Our very own cosmetic formulator mastermind, Aaron, used to struggle with using deodorants back in his pre-Woohoo days as they caused extreme irritation under his pits – usually uncomfortable redness and itchiness. If you’ve been blessed with ultra-sensitive skin like Aaron, you understand just how difficult it can be.

Managing sensitive skin can be somewhat tricky. Not only can sensitive skin be cranky-pants and changeable, but finding skincare products that won’t strip your skin, irritate it, or leave it red and itchy can be challenging. But hey, there’s good news! There are an ever-growing number of natural moisturisers on the market specifically designed with sensitive skin in mind.

Don’t beat yourself up over sunburrn. Instead, focus on relieving your discomfort and repairing the damage that has been done to minimise the long-term effects on your skin. The cure-all answer is surprisingly simple: just cool and moisturise your burned skin with nature’s remedies! Here are a few of our favourites.
  • 4 min read
Sweat gets a bad rap. We blame it for stink. We accuse it of staining our clothes, and we react in disgust when it appears. But in actuality, sweat is pretty darn awesome and an essential part of being human. No, really. Sweating can be messy (and smelly), but it’s also your body’s natural cooling mechanism.

Many of you are probably wondering what’s happening with the SPF moisturiser we’ve been working on. After all, it’s our most requested new product of ALL TIME! Well… the news isn’t the greatest… but it’s not terrible either! 

We often expect that our skincare products will have instant results, but unfortunately quick fixes and overnight problem solvers are pretty rare in the skincare world. Better skin is usually a result of taking small steps consistently and allowing ingredients and products to do their thing over time. In this blog we'll give you some guidelines for how long you really need to wait before you see lasting results from your skincare.
  • 3 min read

Reading product labels should be easy, right? So why does it sometimes feel like labels are written in an entirely different language? If you find yourself staring at product labels wondering how in the world you’re supposed to understand them without a science degree, you’re not alone!

Ingredients labels can be mind-boggling and there are *oodles* of ingredients claiming to be the best there is for healthy skin. To help weed through the confusion, here's a list of our top 10 superfood ingredients to look out for in your natural skincare. You’ll want to use these nutrient-rich superheroes in heavy rotation to keep your skin clear, calm, and perfectly balanced.

As you age, there are many delightful surprises that await you in your golden years. Wisdom, for one. Lovely laughter lines. Plenty of experiences to be had. And a few decades of memories (some glorious, some not-so-glorious). To keep you glowing, here are a few fun steps to keep wise skin in check.

Active ingredients come with recommended levels and other recommendations so that they are safe and effective. And for many of these ingredients, if that level is exceeded it can actually mean that product will have a negative effect on your skin. Just like Vegemit on toast, it's often a case of less is more.
  • 4 min read

While for some, stress manifests in the inability to sleep, hair loss or eating a tub (or two) of ice cream, another part of your body that takes a hit is your skin. That’s because stress triggers a chemical response in your body, which can make your skin more sensitive and reactive.

  • 4 min read
